Let's Get Organized

So we are on Day 2 of the Movement Control Order (MCO) period in Malaysia because of the Coronavirus outbreak. We are basically on house arrest. I just found out today that we aren't even supposed to leave the house to go for a jog. Not that I am complaining. I am not. I actually love being home with my family! (ask me again on 31 March 2020. Momonavirus could be the death of me.)

At a time like this, we are taking the opportunity to do the things we have been putting away on normal days like sorting out my crap.

I decided to launch into spring cleaning mode. I have learnt not to be too ambitious when it comes to spring cleaning because I usually set myself up for disappointment.

So, I have decided to give myself mini spring cleaning projects. Mini projects which would give BIG WINS.

Case in point. My bedside table.

This is a 'Before' photo. 

And tadah! This is an 'After' photo.

I was very pleased with myself. All it took was 15 minutes.

1. Removed everything
2.Wiped surfaces down with a cleaner. I used the Thieves Household Cleaner.
3. Selected items I absolutely needed at the bedside table
4. Binned some rubbish and kept the rest elsewhere.

This space sparks so much joy to me right now. Marie Kondo will be oh-so proud.

So tell me. What organizing mini projects have you accomplished recently which was a BIG WIN for you? 


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